Закупки Пристрой Отзывы

AHC Natural Perfection Fresh Sun Stick (SPF50+ PA++++) 17g

ID: 790674698
Альбом: Косметика
1 000 руб.
Товарные ряды
Ряд / Товар 1
Ряд 1 свободно

Производитель: AHC ▶ Manufacturer:Cover Korea ▶ Country of   Manufacturing :  South Korea ▶  Product description : This is a sun stick with no stickiness and fresh usage. : Sebum effect gives a light and soft finish. : It contains patented natural ingredients and can be used mildly. : Sustainable water resistance assessment completed. ▶ How to Use : In the last step of skin care, raise the contents about 5mm and apply lightly along the skin texture.  Tip. When you put it on top of your makeup, tap it on.

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Выкуп № 11
Стоп закупки: 16.06.2024
Мин. партия товаров: 1
Участников закупки: 2
Каталог обновлен: 27.02.2024
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